Thursday, April 14, 2011

7 months already?!?!

My little Tanner is 7 months old today. I can't believe he is already that old. He is such a precious addition to our family. I thought that today, I would write about some of my favorite things about my baby boy!

1) He has HUGE blue eyes. Total strangers come up all the time and mention something about Tanner's eyes. A lady in Target one day said "My goodness, he looks mighty alert"! I love how big they get when he is excited!

2) Tanner has the sweetest little smile. His cheeks are nice and plump(like any baby's should be, right?). When he smiles, those chunky cheeks are so cute. He has the two teeth on the bottom that have come in, and they pop right out at ya. I love that smile!

3) The way he looks like he is going to fly away when he is excited. When Tanner gets excited, he flaps his arms like he is going to take flight. His little hands go to work, making motions like he is trying to grab something. It is so funny. He knows how to get his way already.

4) The boy loves to eat. This is just one of the times that you can count on him doing the "flying" thing. If he sees us getting his food ready, he is so excited, he can hardly sit still. The excitement dies down a little if the food he is eating is green beans, but you can count on the fact that he won't go hungry!

5) He loves his brother. Tanner reaches out for Case, like he can't wait to get his hands on him. He always smiles when Case is around, and loves it when Case hugs on him. We always joke that Tanner might be as big, if not bigger, than Case after a Case better not pick on him too much! In the end though, I know that my boys will be best friends.

6) He puts up with his brother. Case is so loud and crazy right now. He is at the age where he is in to everything, and loves to run around and see how loud he can be. Tanner never is bothered by it. He just sits and watches. I realize this probably means that he is learning from Case, and will probably one day be exactly the same. That's ok, though. I love that they are all boy, and love that I can be their mom!

Friday, April 1, 2011

9 years ago today...

9 years ago today, I went on my first date with the man that I would eventually marry! I know, I know, it's April Fools Day. Yep, that's us. 9 years ago, April 1 fell on the day after Easter, and we had the day off of school. Matt was coming back to Columbia from being at home for the weekend. He sent me an instant message on AOL (so romantic, I know!) and asked me if I wanted to go out that night. I was so excited. The first thought in my head, of course, was "What am I going to wear??" My roommate, Janine, and friend, Amber, came to my rescue! Amber didn't live in the dorm with Janine and me, but she might as well have. We were all together, all the time! Amber lived a good 20 minutes away, but at the last minute, she came rushing to campus to bring a belt for me to borrow. She and Matt actually ran into each other in the lobby. I think I actually thought that the belt was going to make my date go so much better! I was so thankful for those girls that night (and still am by the way!!)

So, here we are, 9 years later...married for almost 5 years, and we have two little munchkins! This is what we were talking about last night, while we were getting ready for bed. I had the idea, that it would be nice to surprise Matt today. I was hoping to get the house clean, and arrange for a babysitter to keep the boys so we could have a date night. Instead, my day was a little hectic. First of all, I was trying to get Case to use the potty, and he had an accident on the carpet. Then, I realized that Tanner was seeming sicker and sicker over the last few days, so I took him to the doctor. He has a double ear infection, so we were out for several hours by the time we went by the pharmacy and got back. I couldn't find an available babysitter, so in the end, Matt came home to a dirty house and no plans for the night.

BUT....I guess he kinda had the same idea to make today special. He came home with flowers!!! Then, he told me to pick a place to go to dinner! He made my day. We went to Olive Garden, where we had to wait a little while, and didn't have incredible service, but we spent the night with our little family. I had no idea that when I was running around to dress cute 9 years ago, that I'd be so happy with all my boys today. It makes me so excited to see where we'll be 9 years from now!